Office of International Programs and Services

Course Registration

On this web page, you will find tips about course registration, including the waitlist, Degree Works and UNIV 100.  Step by step instructions "How to Register for Courses" are listed under the checklists:

IMPORTANT: International students in F-1 status are required to study full-time.  Undergraduate students must register for a minimum of 12 credits and graduate students must register for 9 credits.  You can register for only one online course towards your full-time requirement.

Degree Works

In this video, Mari talks about the benefits of Degree Works.

Degree Works is comprehensive academic advising, transfer articulation, and degree audit solution that aligns students, advisors, and institutions to a common goal: helping students graduate on time.

To access Degree Works:

  • Log in to Patriot Web (
  • Select Student Services
  • Select Student Records
  • Select Degree Evaluation Menu
  • Select Degree Works

Please note that student information is updated nightly.  Information such as program changes and registration will not appear on the evaluation until the following day.  You must click "Process New" to view the updated information.

To learn more about Degree Works, go to:


In this video, Mari talks about the waitlist.  Courses fill up quickly.  Many students drop classes in the week before classes start.  If a slot becomes available, students have 72 hours to register for the class.  Students will be notified by email so make sure to check email on a regular basis.  Please note that the waitlists will be removed on the first day of classes (Spring 2022: Monday, January 24, 2022).  To learn more about the course waitlist, go to

Useful Links

Changing your Major

Students who would like to change their major should take the following steps:

Undergraduate students

  • Print a Change/Declaration of Academic Program form
  • Visit the academic department that you are declaring and ask them to sign the form
  • Submit form to the Registrar's office in SUB I, room 2101
  • Notify OIPS about your major change
  • Pick up your new I-20 in OIPS

Graduate students 

  • Visit the academic department that you are declaring
  • Follow their instructions to change your major
  • Notify OIPS about your major change
  • Pick up your new I-20 in OIPS

Math Placement Test for Undergraduate Students

Some undergraduate students are required to take a math placement test upon arrival at Mason. The Math Placement Exam is a computer-based test to help assess a student’s proficiency. Students have two chances per section, per year (February 2021 to February 2022) to take the test. The math placement test schedule can be found at  If you have any questions, send an email to Catherine Sausville at [email protected].  It is highly recommended for students to take the placement test BEFORE orientation if possible.

A "Guide to the Placement Test" is available in the JC Bookstore for a minimal fee.  It contains topics covered and practice problems.  It does not contain a sample test. Please contact Ellen O'Brien ([email protected]) with any requests or correspondence concerning the guide.

Useful links:

Time Tickets/Course Registration Dates

The Orientation Office assigns new undergraduate students (Freshman and Transfer) a time ticket, which is a specific date and time after which a student may register for courses.  Usually, this is the day of orientation, however, sometimes your time ticket will open earlier. We always encourage students to meet with an advisor before registering for courses. Advising and course registration information will be offered during the Virtual International Student Orientation.

Update for incoming Spring 2022 freshman students: All students will meet with their Academic Advisors and register for courses during orientation on Monday, August 19However, your registration time tickets will open on Saturday, July 27.  After this date, you can review available courses and register on your own. Since classes often fill up quickly, we encourage you to get a head start on registration and then confirm your schedule with your Advisor during orientation. Freshman and Transfer students may contact their Advisors beforehand and use this registration guide to help select courses.

Important: Course registration for Spring 2020 will open in November and course registration for Fall 2020 will open in April.  Please check the Office of the University Registrar's Calendar to learn more about time tickets and course registration dates.

UNIV 100: Introduction to Mason and College

Freshmen students are strongly encouraged to register for the course "UNIV 100" (University 100) during their first semester at Mason.  The course is designed to help students adjust to college by preparing them with a solid foundation of skills and knowledge necessary for success.

As an international student, this course is even more important to help introduce you to the American college experience, expectations, and resources.  In addition, the class format allows classmates to interact much more than a typical class, and it's a great way to make your first American friends!

The course is 1 credit and there are more than 40 different sections from which to choose; it's easy to fit into any schedule!

SOPHOMORE AND JUNIOR TRANSFER STUDENTS: You are strongly encouraged to register for UNIV 300, a special course for transfer students to Mason.  Ask about this course to the OIPS staff member during the course registration segment of orientation on Monday, August 19.


  • The average end-of-year GPA (Grade Point Average) of students who enrolled in UNIV 100 during their first semester is HIGHER than students who did not enroll in the course.
  • Students who take UNIV 100 are more likely to have a successful overall college experience.


  • Academic success
  • Study skills and note taking
  • Stress management and wellness
  • Time and money management
  • Introduction to campus resources
  • Getting involved on campus (student clubs, activities)
  • College-level writing and public speaking
  • Adjusting to college
  • Cultural diversity
  • Academic major exploration and career preparation

Here’s what an international student said about her experience in UNIV 100 — 

"I think UNIV 100 gave me the chance to get connected with different kinds of students. What I mean is I only get connected with the students who come from the same country as me during my first year. However, this class was different. It gave me the chance to experience what the true American class is like. Besides, this class was very interesting.  It didn’t give me too much burden during my first year, but instead it gave me experience with students from US.  Also, UNIV 100 class gave me a lot of useful information about this school. As an international student, it is hard to adapt to a new school in another country at first. However, this class gave me useful information efficiently so that I didn't need to waste time on it. For example, if I wanted to go to gym, I wouldn't know where it is at first. I would need to check it on the website or ask another student. However, after I took this class, I believe I knew exactly what resources the school has and where I can find them. That’s how I benefited from taking UNIV 100."  - International freshman student from China, Fall 2017

Graduate Student from India

In his first semester Sanjay registered for 3 core courses. He advises incoming students to register for max. two core courses in their first semester and to combine it with an easier elective to manage the workload.

Graduate Student from Iran

Habib advises to opt for courses/topics students are familiar with in their first semester. Opting for an easier course load in their first semester will give students extra time to adjust to a new culture and free up time to explore extra-curricular opportunities.


Many students consult the website "Rate my Professor" to find reviews about professor's teaching style and difficulty level.  Another great resource is the GMU Ratings of Instruction.

  • Go to
  • Enter you Mason username and password (NetID - same as the one you use for Patriot Web)
  • Click on the link "Online Reports" or "Paper Reports" (top menu) -- Depending on the college/major, some reports are completed on paper and others online.  We recommend you search both types of reports.
  • Enter by Course, Instructor name or College/School