On-Campus Employment for F-1 Students

F-1 students may work on any of Mason's three US campuses (Fairfax, Arlington and SciTech) up to 20 hours per week during spring and fall semesters, and full-time during vacation periods (summer, winter, and spring breaks).  The employment may either come from a GMU income source or the third party business that serves Mason students on-campus, such as the bookstore, bank, or food services.

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): 8 CFR 214.2 (f)(9)(i)

Student Eligibility Requirements

1. Must be maintaining F-1 status;
2. Must have a valid and accurate I-20 from George Mason University.

Permitted Hours

Fall and Spring: max. twenty hours per week
School breaks in winter, spring and summer: full-time employment is allowed

Important Note: If you are taking classes in the summer, it is best not to work full-time while your class is in session. Even though summer is typically a vacation term for the university, if you are enrolled in classes, a strict interpretation of on campus employment regulations indicates that you should limit your work to 20 hours while class is in session. This is particularly important if you are graduating at the end of summer since the U.S. government likely considers your graduation term an academic, not vacation term. You must also stop working once your program is complete.

IMPORTANT: F-1 students who have an assistantship of 20 hours per week cannot accept additional employment during the semesters.

Got a Job Offer?

Here is what you need to do before you begin your work:

If you do NOT have a Social Security Number (SSN):

  • 1. Complete the steps in the New International Employees Hiring Guidance that fit your situation: 
    • Complete Step 1, F-1 or J-1 Check-In, if any of the following situations applies to you: 
      • you are a new student 
      • you are a returning student and starting a new education level (example: changing from Pathways to Degree Studies or Bachelors to Masters 
      • you are a returning student who is returning to the U.S. with a new I-20/new SEVIS ID 
    • Complete all other steps: Steps 2-8 
    • Review Human Resources International Employee in the U.S
      • Watch the video
      • Complete the steps in the New International Employees Hiring Guidance (PDF)
      • Note that you may have already completed some steps in this guidance
        by following the OIPS On Campus Employment Certification Steps in 1 above.
  • 2. Review Human Resources International Employee in the U.S. and make sure to watch the International Employee Guide Video 

If you already have a Social Security Number (SSN): 

  • 1. Complete the steps in the New International Employees Hiring Guidance that fit your situation: 
    • you are a new student 
    • you are a returning student and starting a new education level (example: changing from Pathways to Degree Studies or Bachelors to Masters 
    • you are a returning student who is returning to the U.S. with a new I-20/new SEVIS ID
  • Complete Steps 2,6,8,7 (Skips Steps 3,4,5 since you already have an SSN)
  •  2. Review Human Resources International Employee in the U.S. and make sure to watch the International Employee Guide Video 

MPORTANT: You need a job offer to apply for Social Security Number (SSN). 

Looking for an on-campus job?

Most of the on-campus jobs are listed on Handshake, brought to you by University Career Services. Each year, University Career Services staff help thousands of Mason students discover careers. They offer career counseling, industry-focused advising, resume critique, many events, online resources, and more.

If you are interested in applying for jobs and internships on Handshake you will need to upload a copy of your resume.

TIP: To expedite the Handshake resume approval process you are encouraged to utilize the University Career Services walk-in hours to get feedback on your resume BEFORE you upload it to Handshake.